Gold Support
Having Trouble Logging In?
Hey there! I know, logging in can be tricky. Here's a few tips...
Imagine you're on Facebook,
and you want to check out an
article on the website.
You click the link...
When you get to the website, you see this...
Or this...
“Wait up!”
you say.
“I'm already a paying member!!!”
We know! We know! But just click the 'sign up' anyway. It will take you to the log in, where you just, you know, log in.
If you're still stuck, you can book a support call here:
Hi! I'm Kate from RTSSG Gold Support.
Well, actually my company is Webtoday but for RTSSG Gold members, I'm right here to support you if you have any issues accessing the website or your membership.
A little bit of background...
I live in Sydney now but as a kid I grew up in Forest Hill Vic, and all the kids in the street and I, LOVED the TIGERS! My black and yellow Texta's always ran out the quickest!
So it was a real thrill to join the RTSSG team.
Here's why you might need to chat to me:
1. If you have any trouble signing up as a member
2. If you are unable to access the Gold Forum
3. If you have any issues with the shop and your purchases
4. If you have any trouble logging in
The process is easy, just click this link and book a call with me.
You can choose whether I just phone you or we talk via video on zoom!
I'm sure I can help and it won't take long. So if you need me, just give me a call.